Sunday, 8 September 2013

[News] Miley Cyrus Vogue Cover Not Cancelled by Anna Wintour

Miley Cyrus is NOT been kicked off Vogue magazine’s cover because editor Anna Wintour was allegedly miffed by Miley’s racy MTV Video Music Awards performance. The rumor is another fantasy of critics who desperately want Miley to get her comeuppance.
But don’t expect Wintour to do their dirty work.
She has never been one to shy away from controversy or provocative art, whether it’s fashion, music or any thing else. Rihanna, Britney Spears and Madonna have all appeared on Vogue covers, despite their controversial careers.
To the contrary, Wintour has always charted her own course without bending to the whims of conventional wisdom. What’s more, Wintour would have to turn the magazine upside down to change the cover art at this late stage.
Cover decisions are made weeks in advance. To reverse course now, even for the December issue, would throw a wrench in the magazine’s production that even Wintour doesn’t have the power, or desire, to do.
The story originated as a blind item on a sketchy celebrity gossip site, and it’s played nicely into the hands of her critics. They’re starting to run with it, without question, just like a widely quoted, but wildly out-of-context interview that appeared in a UK tabloid.
In that case, TheImproper traced the source of the quotes to the UK’s Mirror newspaper, which ran the article in Sunday People.
“I have so many f***ing issues,” Miley reportedly said. “I am so f***ed up – everyone does dumb stuff when they are messed up.”
The tabloid clearly implied that Miley was talking about her sassy MVAs performance. But TheImproper learned that the quote was at least five weeks old by the time the VMAs aired and couldn’t have possibly referred to the event.
Even so, dozens of websites, including so-called reputable ones like ABC news, “Extra-TV,” The HuffingtonPost, and a slew of other gossip sites, reported it without question.
To the contrary, neither Miley nor her management have expressed any regrets about the performance, and she’s keeping the heat on for the release of her upcoming album Bangerz.
What’s more, Wintour didn’t hesitate to champion swimsuit model Kate Upton at a time when a lot of influential fashion insiders were blowing her off as cheap-looking and too curvy.
All of which means Miley would be exactly the kind of icon Wintour would embrace, especially if the magazine has already gone so far as to promise her the cover and conduct the photo shoot.
Annie Leibovitz, who snapped Miley for her controversial semi-nude Vanity Fair spread when she was 15, reportedly took the Vogue photos.
Critics have been grasping at any little rumor–she’s about to check herself into rehab, lose her fiance, ruin her career and now lose the Vogue cover–to prove that political correctness shalt not be violated.
So far only the opposite has happened. Her record sales have soared along with her Facebook and Twitter followers, and Miley still remains defiantly her own person.

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