Thursday, 30 May 2013

[News] Miley unveils 'We Can't Stop' single artwork on Times Square billboard

Popstars love to make a bit of a song and dance about everything they do these days, don’t they? We’re usually bombarded with one-second teasers of their new singles or – even more annoyingly – teasers of the actual teaser. Well now Miley Cyrus has decided she wants to show us the cover for her brand spanking new single ‘We Can’t Stop’ – and instead of just plonking it on Twitter and being done with it, she’s gone for a slightly different approach.

Yep – Miley’s debuted the artwork on a mahoosive flashy billboard thing in New York’s Times Square 5 days before we *finally* get to hear the track. Agh. Wanna see it? Look no further, you inquisitive little rascals.

ET VOILA – one Miley Cyrus single cover for your delectation. It…um…doesn’t actually have her on it, but what we can take from it is:

1) She has a shiny new logo.
2) It looks to us like this is gonna be a big party track that’d have Britney up in the ‘clab’ and all that malarky. Why do we think this? COOL RED CUPS A LA EVERY AMERICAN TEEN MOVIE EVER. Hoorah.
3) There isn’t actually a hashtag in the song title, which we’re quite happy about. Pressing ‘alt’ and ’3′ on our keyboards can get a bit annoying.
4) Someone has very swooshable hair.
5) Earnings NET rises 2.5%. Oh…wait…that’s not part of the cover.

What do you think? Liking the cover? It doesn’t give *too* much away, does it? Hmm. Comments please.

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