Move over Psy! There’s a new viral dance craze that’s taking the Internet by storm and it’s called the wop. Thanks to Miley Cyrus‘ twerk video, fans are now grooving to the dance song ‘Wop’ by rapper J. Dash.
Now the wop is not entirely new, but rather a take on the ’80s-inspired dance step. In an 2011 interview, J. Dash acknowledged the dance steps’ earlier roots but he and his friends wanted to put their own spin on it. “We had known Wop was a dance in late ’80s early ’90s but when we were figuring out the song it kind of naturally happened with the ‘WOP WOP WOP WOP’… and that’s how it came about,” he said. “We started sending it to some DJs and it was history from there.”
Since Miley’s posting of her “#MCTWERKTEAM” video, J. Dash’s two-year-old song has soared 500 spots in just four days on the iTunes charts — the song currently ranks No. 62 overall and No. 13 on the Hip-Hop Charts. It also previously sold 500,000 copies in the U.S.
Miley’s video has also made viewers seek out J. Dash’s original ‘Wop’ video, which has over 8 millions views on YouTube so far. Not to mention there are other viral clips with people doing the wop including the dance step being performed at a wedding reception.
“Seeing the song take off mainstream, thanks to Miley’s twerking video, has been surreal,” said J. Dash in a press release. “We joke that ‘WOP’ is the biggest hit no one has ever heard of and now, because of Miley showing her love for the song, that seems to be changing.”
“Her video is a monster smash and I hope that she encourages her fans to do their rendition and upload it to YouTube. I’m not sure if anyone can TWERK & WOP better than Miley, but I know there’s going to be a lot of people trying!”
So there you have it. Forget ‘Gangnam Style,’ it’s time to do the Wop…Wop…Wop…Wop!
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