Saturday, 7 December 2013

[Lists] 25 Best Pop Records of 2013 - #1 Bangerz

Here are the year’s catchiest, most addictive tunes from both pop’s biggest icons and the superstars of tomorrow.

#1 Miley Cyrus - "Bangerz" 
Face it, this was the Year of Miley. She was the world’s most controversial and omnipresent star, and dominated pop in a year with some pretty intense competition. Miley’s videos and awards-show antics are one thing, but she just wouldn’t be the phenomenon that she is if Bangerz was not a massive leap forward for her on a purely musical level. She never gets enough credit for being a fantastic and highly emotive singer — “We Can’t Stop” and “Wrecking Ball” are so good that they’d definitely be hits if other people sang them instead, but Miley brought a touch of melancholy to both that made them far more emotionally resonant than your average bit of bubblegum. Bangerz is terrific from top to bottom, and easily the year’s most adventurous mainstream record, full of tunes that hop from genre to genre every few seconds without seeming the slightest bit incoherent. It’s an album that sounds very much like a harbinger of things to come, and if that’s true, 2014 is going to be pretty excellent year for pop.

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